- Andreï Roublev, Andreï Tarkovski
- Le Miroir, Andreï Tarkovski
- Stalker , Andreï Tarkovski
- Nostalghia, Andreï Tarkovski
- Le Maître , Piotr Trzaskalski
- Mathilde , Mimica Nina
- Into the Wild , Sean Penn
- Le Visiteur , J.-P. Valkeapää
- The Pledge , Sean Penn
The Cinémancy is a thesis on the poetic cinema,
Begun in 1994, defended in 2001,
And I pursue since, intermittently.
What is the starting point of the thesis ?
A fleeting image in a film by André Téchiné
“The crime scene. ”
Keys that fall in the mud,
Those that Lili (Catherine Deneuve)
Wants to pass to her lover, Martin (Wadeck Stanczak)