- Arc-Barque 1
- Arc-Barque 2
- Arc-Barque 3
« The Bow-Boat »
Sketch for a monumental project
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1. Introduction h5>
2. The idea of a ” Bow ” h5>
3. The original idea h5>
4. Why a ” Bow “? h5>
5. The project according to the educationnal program h5>
6. The project from a technical point of view h5>
7. And the students in this project h5>
8. An example of student participation h5>
9. The 1st step: full-scale test h5>
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1. Introduction
I have the pleasure to make the proposal in object.
I begin to consider a project when it becomes inexhaustible, and it is the case with this project …
Certainly, there are priorities, but, precisely, I ask myself the question if it is not the Big Project in question, which has to become The Priority : an extraordinary adventure, the culmination of a quest, the achievement of a feat out-of-the-ordinary, the contact of the pupils with a contemporary work of art (C.A.). In situ, the (progressive) change of the look of the pupils on the contemporary art, and to answer one of the expectations of the pupils, make things out of the ordinary, of the commonplace etc.* * *
2. The idea of a ” Bow ”
The idea is the following: the exploitation of a part of the internal and arched facade of the college to form a monumental Arc (boards 1 to 3) with VHS magnetic tapes, black and brilliant.
I know it’s not an easy task, but it’s achievable with a surprisingly small budget …* * *
3. The original idea
At the beginning, I was thinking about a horse (! – because the building have a horseshoe shape, symbolically, is it a question about luck ?) But I quickly abandoned the idea, which has been replaced by a Bow. “Less is more,” said an architect. The idea is very simple, but combined with a powerful light presentation.
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4. Why a ” Bow “?
It is necessary to say it, every detail of the set joins at the same time in an accessible and strong semantic language, and, it is in the heart of the Arts program of the college. So, it seems to me that the Bow is propelling the horseshoe.
As I have already said it, this file is a sketch, thus I am just going to give some strong ideas, while waiting for your answer.
1. Introduce an essential question in Arts: the contemporary art, is not only paper images, A4 format, or video projection, which remains a flat image …
2. Approach the contemporary art. in its monumentality, on its weight (here, very light.) in his narrow association with existing structures;
3. The contemporary art as the trigger of a new look, a new sensibility, a new citizen …
4. In fact, with the contemporary art we cannot say that it is above all a question of new things (etymologically, Recent.) something that we have not the habit to see: And, suddenly, a bow is stretched, but remains randomly motionless.
5. It is in fact, the moment which we have chooses to release the rope, as in the way of the Zen meditation: ” the rope, the arrow and the target make one. ” It is necessary to remind that the monumental arrow becomes a representation of the pupils who will go, soon, to support the country … (It is thus a patriotic project)
6. A project with drawer. We have a Bow and according to our location (or movement), (or if we return the drawing), we obtain a boat (without sail done in the building). So we obtains :
7. A. Place of arrival ? Boat
7. B. Place of departure ? Bow.
7. C. Or vice versa
8. Two projects in one
9. Finally, I perceive another project which can start, at ground level, a “flash mob” pupils in the shape of bow and in the shape of arrows … (Full of symbols.)* * *
5. The project according to the program
• In 6th gr : The object and its environment, the question of the base and the pedestal.
The object in artistic culture. Frequentation of artistic place …
• In 5th gr : The image and its referent; To question the point of view of the viewer and the author …
• In 4th gr : Make understand the place of the art, actor and witness of its time. To be curious about art in all its forms.
• But it is especially in the 3rd gr : that the project will take much more importance: Taking into account and understanding the space of the work. The sensitive experience of space, (rapport between the spectator’s body and the work (being in front, inside, walking around, interacting) Inserting architecture into its environment.6. The project from a technical point of view
The project can be divided into several versions:
1. A simple and ephemeral version of a few days;
2. A more elaborate and more developed version.
At Neuf Brisach, (see www.projet-e3.com / Project Po (i) nt line), on my first (fast) approach, I noticed that only one band could break under the action of a strong wind. But by superimposing several bands and adding a wire the problem is quickly solved. (Fr3 Alsace was seduced by the project, there was a report of 5 minutes. (It is therefore possible to invite them again …)* * *
7. And the students in this project
Two possibilities :
1. Do the project with the 4 classes of 3rd
2. Make the project under the volunteer base, twenty students.* * *
8. An example of student participation
Make a monumental frieze,
As the type of a musical partition …
Every pupil will work on a part of the frieze. (The horizontal hooks.)* * *
9. The 1st step: full-scale test
Launch a “reinforced tape” (several glued tape) test on the width of the college. (A math or physics teacher, for example, can calculate the resistance …)
Visual arts.
© All rights reserved. Dimitri Dimitriadès. « The Bow-Boat » project. Winter 2015.* * *
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