Project E’ntraînement – 2 (Training)

In introduction, I start with a simple question: What is the role of the (visual) artist in our society ? What is its place ? Is it to begin a personal approach which aims, as purpose, a specific object to finish on a support, a wall, a place or a museum ?

For my part, I do not conceive art only as an “object of admiration.” The art is interesting when he participated in “sublimated” construction of a community, of a people. When he starts to disturb patterns of thought which tend to take pleasure of their own rigidity. When art is called in question. When art is an adventure.

I so start, a new adventure, by proposing the Project « E’ntraînement – 2 » (Training) to the government.

Herewith a letter to the Minister of the National Education.

Projet E3 – Personnag’E, β. (Bêta) 404. 01. 2012. Acrylique sur papier. 65 x 50 cm. (Project E3 – Character’E, β. (Beta) 404. 01. 2012. Acrylic on paper, 25.5 x 19.6 inches.)

E3, Personnag’E, β. 404. 01, 2012

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(Dimitri Dimitriadès)


Mister Minister of National Education
Mister Vincent Peillon

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Object : Project « E’ntraînement pour tous – 2 » (Training for all – 2)
The pitch: “And if France became again one of the first world powers. ”

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February 6th, 2013.

Dear Mr. Minister.

I have the honor and the pleasure to propose to you the project in object. A force pushing me to take the initiative, because the challenges are considerable.

First of all, the project « E’ntraînement » (Training) does not date from yesterday, but since 2010. I wrote about it and published a summary of the project on my site : The idea was to train and introduce karate (in its noble and pure sense), to persons who are in the downtown of a city on a Saturday afternoon …

Since then, I often thought of the project, and I had conceived the idea to propose it to you. Now it’s done.

I already know that Physical Education and Sport (P.E.S) has an important part in the education of our young people. However, there is a fundamental difference between the P.E.S and Karate because, in short, P.E.S focuses exclusively on the “body” and not the combination of “body-mind” for which the Karate is trying to reach. And that’s exactly what it is, and that led me to the distressing report of a “divorce mind-body” which is translated at the end by a “crisis” (of the individual and society).

The idea of the project is simple: it is to involve our young people with Karate (or other derivatives), 20 minutes per day, from 8 am till 8:30 am. This represents an average of 60 hours / year. Which is not negligible. After some time, I have the big certainty that we shall quickly have reached our goals.

I finish with what seems to me to be the main objection of the project: the gap between the P.E.S and Karate. The image that best reflects this difference, it is the image of a car. With the P.E.S the body of the car (bodywork) is very beautiful, but it stays in a garage, because the engine (the spirit) is low. While with Karate, the body and the engine are powerful. The multiplication, by contagion, of these powers are going to create the impulse of a new power. It is as simple as that. Moreover, the best ideas are the simplest. And they are always very close, that is to say, at the end of our fingers.

Dear Mr. Peillon, I remain at your disposal for additional precise details and startup of this essential project. Please consider the real feeling which drives me. Very respectfully.


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